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ART Gurufim for Art History. About Historiographical Regimes and Dying Experiences


  • Antônio Barros Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP



Historiographic Regimes, Art History, Death, Image, Frontispiece


The article consists of re-presenting, sequentially and briefly, five historiographical regimes of art that, from the perspective of the crisis and contemporary historiographical challenges, stand out as capital works between the 1st century and the turn of the 21st century. They are those formulated by Pliny the Elder, Giorgio Vasari, Joachim Winckelmann, Aby Warburg and Hans Belting. We are extremely interested in highlighting their differences, but seeking in this joint recapitulation to arrange a certain “making system” between such regimes based on of the historiographical relationships that we find each one performing between artistic experience and the experience of dying. Methodologically, we chose to approach each of these regimes based on what could be their respective “frontispiece” images – mainly following Didi-Huberman’s readings and comments. As well as aligning ourselves with the meaning and historiographic terminology pacified by the paradigmatic work of François Hartog. 


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How to Cite

Barros, A. (2024). ART Gurufim for Art History. About Historiographical Regimes and Dying Experiences. Imagem: Revista De Hist´ória Da Arte, 3(2), 221–254.

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