Environmental Education and political participation in artisanal fishing: the construction of priority demands of artisanal fishermen in municipalities in the Campos Basin (RJ, Brazil)


  • Ana Paula Serpa Nogueira de Arruda Universidade Candido Mendes - UCAM
  • Carmem Brito Leal Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense - UENF
  • Laís da Silva Almeida Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
  • Ana Lúcia Mussi de Carvalho Campinho Instituto Federal Fluminense – IFF




Artisanal Fishing, Participation, Environmental Education


Throughout 2020, encouraged by the Pescarte Environmental Education Project (PEA, acronym in Portuguese), artisanal fishermen from the Campos Basin held virtual meetings to prepare letters setting out the group's demands and needs to be sent to candidates in the municipal elections. In this sense, this article analyses the process of choosing the priority demands listed by artisanal fishermen. The methodology used for this work was based on the analysis of the documents developed and the participant observation during the meetings. As a result, we observed the collective role of the fishermen in the search for the formation of a group with significant pressure to shape public policies that are more effective and specific to their needs.

Author Biography

Ana Paula Serpa Nogueira de Arruda, Universidade Candido Mendes - UCAM

Programa de Pós-graduação em Planejamento Regional e Gestão da Cidade


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How to Cite

Arruda, A. P. S. N. de, Leal, C. B., Almeida, L. da S., & Campinho, A. L. M. de C. (2024). Environmental Education and political participation in artisanal fishing: the construction of priority demands of artisanal fishermen in municipalities in the Campos Basin (RJ, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education, 19(2), 401–416. https://doi.org/10.34024/revbea.2024.v9.15821



##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-10-23
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2024-02-21
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-04-01

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