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DOS War and Image: The photography of the Chilean Civil War of 1891 and its discourse in the construction of a national imagery


  • Sebastián Riquelme Sáez Magíster en Historiadel Arte, UniversidadAdolfo Ibáñez



war photography, Pathosformel, anachronism, civil war, Chili


The present investigation seeks to study and formulate a visual and aesthetic reading of the photographic documentation of the Civil War of 1891 that occurred in Chile, which confronted President José Manuel Balmaceda, the National Congress, the Navy and the Chilean Army. Through visual analysis of the images available in the photographic archive of the National Historical Museum,
that have the double status of historical heritage document and aesthetic construction, we seek to find those particularities of the images that have served for public use and their role in the construction of the country's unimaginary at the end of the 19th century. The technical and visual analysis incorporates elements of the History of Art and photography, together with reflections on the historiography of civil wars and revolutions, with strong theoretical support in some propositions by Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin


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How to Cite

Riquelme Sáez, S. (2023). DOS War and Image: The photography of the Chilean Civil War of 1891 and its discourse in the construction of a national imagery. Imagem: Revista De Hist´ória Da Arte, 2(2).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-05-17
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-04-02

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