The relevance and challenges of socioecological sustainability in the process of continuing education of pedagogy teachers through gamification


  • André Menezes de Jesus Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Gamification;, University education;, Pedagogy;, Sustainability.


The topic of social-ecological sustainability is limited in higher education, but it is essential that teachers address environmental crises. The study aimed to investigate the continuing education of Pedagogy teachers in Natal-RN, regarding the approach of social-ecological sustainability in the classroom. The methodology consisted of a qualitative and applied research, with a case study; following procedures of documentary and curriculum analysis with the Pedagogy course and primary data survey from the application of an online questionnaire with the 15 teachers, which was submitted to data and content analysis. The voices of the 15 teachers revealed a negligible approach to eco-social challenges in educational practice.


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How to Cite

Jesus, A. M. de. (2023). The relevance and challenges of socioecological sustainability in the process of continuing education of pedagogy teachers through gamification. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education, 18(2), 229–246.



##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-02-28
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-03-01

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