DOS História Digital da Arte: Um Panorama das Investigações Recentes


  • Arthur Valle Departamento de Artes e Programa de Pós-graduação em Patrimônio, Cultura e Sociedade na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro



História Digital da Arte, Métodos Computacionais em História da Arte, Historiografia da Arte


O presente texto apresenta um panorama do emergente campo de investigações da História Digital da Arte, centrando-se sobretudo em publicações em língua inglesa desde 2012. Busca-se aqui definir a História Digital da Arte e suas conexões com as chamadas Humanidades Digitais; historicizar seu desenvolvimento, desde as iniciativas pioneiras até sua afirmação no campo acadêmico; e delimitar algumas de suas abordagens metodológicas recorrentes, nomeadamente análise espacial, análise de rede, análise de imagem e análise de texto. 


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Brey, A. (2021). Digital art history in 2021. History Compass, 19(8), 1-14.

Brosens, K., Alen, K., & Slegten, A. (2016). MapTap and Cornelia: Slow Digital Art History and Formal Art Historical Social Network Research. Zeitschrift Für Kunstgeschichte, 79(3), 315-330.

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Buchana, P., Cazan, I., Diaz-Granados, M., Juefei-Xu, F., & Savvides, M. (2016). Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in paintings using advanced correlation filters. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Phoenix Convention Center.

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Dahlgren, A., & Wasielewski A., & (2021a). Mining art history: bulk converting nonstandard PDFs to text to determine the frequency of citations and key terms in humanities articles. In S. Petersson (Ed.), Digital human sciences: new objects – new approaches (pp. 285-305). Stockholm University Press.

Dahlgren, A. N., & Wasielewski, A. (2021b). The Digital U-Turn in Art History. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 90(4), 249-266.

Dossin, C. (2015). Towards a spatial (digital) art history. Artl@s Bulletin, 4(1), 4-6.

Dressen, A. (2017). Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der digitalen Kunstgeschichte und der Digital Humanities – eine kritische Betrachtung der Methoden., (4), 1-17.

Drucker, J. (2013). Is there a “digital” art history? Visual Resources, 29(1-2), 5-13.

Drucker, J., Helmreich, A., Lincoln, M., & Rose, F. (2015). Digital art history: the American scene. Perspective, 2, 1-16.

Drucker, J., & Bishop, C. (2019). A conversation on digital art history. In M. K. Gold & L. F. Klein (Eds.), Debates in the digital humanities. University of Minnesota.

Favro, D., & Johanson, C. (2010). Death in motion: funeral processions in the Roman Forum. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 69(1), 12-37.

Fletcher, P. (2015). Reflections on Digital Art History.

Fletcher, P., & Helmreich, A. (2012). Local/global: mapping nineteenth-century London’s art market. Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 11(3).

Gans, S. (2018). “A whole chapel cast and engraved with images”: new perspectives on the Tomb of Saint Sebald in Nuremberg [Tese de Doutorado, Columbia University].

González-Román, C. (2017). ¿Antiguas y nuevas historias del arte? Una aproximación crítica a la situación internacional. UMA.

Grimmer, J., Roberts, M. E., & Stewart, B. M. (2022). Text as data: a new framework for machine learning and the social sciences. Princeton University Press.

Hawkins, R. (2017). Modeling the Norwich Cathedral Cloister Bosses: sculpture, photogrammetry and the mobile spectator. Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 6(2), 72-79.

Helmreich, A., & Pugh, E. (2022). Motion, migration and data: an introduction to digital art history [Slides de PowerPoint]. Digital Art History Workshop.

Hughes, J. M., Graham, D. J., & Rockmore, D. N. (2010). Quantification of artistic style through sparse coding analysis in the drawings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(4), 1279-1283.

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Jaskot, P. B. (2019). Digital art history as the social history of art: towards the disciplinary relevance of digital methods. Visual Resources, 35(1-2): 21-33.

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Johnson, C. R., Hendriks, E., Berezhnoy, I. J., Brevdo, E., Hughes, S. M., Daubechies, I., Li, J., Postma, E., & Wang, J. Z. (2008). Image processing for artist identification. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25(4), 37-48.

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Joyeux-Prunel, B. (2020). Digital humanities for a spatial, global, and social history of art. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Routledge companion to digital humanities and art history (pp. 88-108). Routledge.

Kienle, M. (2017). Between Nodes and edges: possibilities and limits of network analysis in art history. Artl@s Bulletin, 6(3), 4-22.

Kohle, H. (2016). Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities Einladung zu einer Debatte. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 79(2), 151-154.

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Lincoln, M. (2016). Social network centralization dynamics in print production in the low countries, 1550–1750. International Journal for Digital Art History, (2), 134-157.

Lincoln, M. D. (2020). Tangled metaphors: network thinking and network analysis in the history of art. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Routledge companion to digital humanities and art history (pp. 73-87). Routledge.

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Meeks, E. (2011). More networks in the humanities, or did books have DNA? Stanford University Libraries.

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Pentcheva, B. (2017). Hagia Sophia: sound, space, and spirit in Byzantium. Pennsylvania State University Press.

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Rockwell, G., & Sinclair, S. (2016). Hermeneutica. Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. The MIT Press.

Rodríguez-Ortega, N. (2013). humanidades digitales, digital art history y cultura artística: relaciones y desconexiones. Artnodes, (13), 16-25.

Rodríguez-Ortega, N. (2018). Summer school on digital art history (DAHSS). Data-driven analysis and digital narratives. International Journal for Digital Art History, (3), 184-191.

Rodríguez-Ortega, N. (2020). Image processing and computer vision in the field of art history. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Routledge companion to digital humanities and art history (pp. 338-357). Routledge.

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Underhill, J. (2014). The phenomenology of sunset at the Palace of the Jaguars, Teotihuacan. World Art, 4(2), 157-173.

Underhill, J. (2019). The twilight of presence: pictorialized illumination in Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. Leonardo, 52(1), 44-53.

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Valle, A. (2020). Mapeando o sagrado: arte sacra e locais de culto afro-brasileiros em notícias sobre repressão policial no Rio de Janeiro, 1890-1941. Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia, 1(2), 5-29.

Vaughan, W. (1987). The automated connoisseur: image analysis and art history. In P. Denley & D. Hopkin (Eds.), History and computing (pp. 215-221). Manchester University Press.

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Underhill, J. (2014). The phenomenology of sunset at the Palace of the Jaguars, Teotihuacan. World Art, 4(2), 157-173.

Underhill, J. (2019). The twilight of presence: pictorialized illumination in Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. Leonardo, 52(1), 44-53.

Wang, J. Z., Kandemir, B., & Li, J. (2020). Computerized analysis of paintings. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Routledge companion to digital humanities and art history (pp. 299-312). Routledge.

Wasielewski, A. (2021). Sharing the Visual Heritage. Metadata, Reuse and Interdisciplinary Research. Text Mining Art History 2019-2020. Harvard Dataverse.

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2024-01-30 — Atualizado em 2024-04-02


Como Citar

Valle, A. (2024). DOS História Digital da Arte: Um Panorama das Investigações Recentes. Imagem: Revista De Hist´ória Da Arte, 3(2), 120–153. (Original work published 30º de janeiro de 2024)

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