Students’ perspectives on Critical Mathematics Education




critical mathematics education, students' perspectives


Theoretically, critical mathematics education (CME) differs markedly from traditional, teacher-centered mathematics teaching approaches. In addition to meeting mathematical goals, a main focus of CME lies on fostering students’ critical consciousness and positioning them as active and informed actors in the classroom and beyond. However, only few empirical studies explicitly focus on how students experience CME instruction and curriculum. In this contribution, we draw on  interview data to examine how K-12 students in one Austrian and one American school setting respond to and perceive CME lessons. The analysis revealed that, within both classroom settings, students’ perceptions vary greatly, with some perceiving CME lessons as being completely different from prior experiences in school mathematics to some seeing little-to-no difference. Additionally features of CME instruction that mathematics teachers and researchers might consider to be the most salient are not necessarily the ones that students report attending to. Reasons for that might be manifold, and students might need more time with CME instruction and especially with reflecting on such lessons to identify the rationale behind the instructional approach. Moreover, researchers should be aware that students might not share their understanding of critical instructional reforms and might have diverse or even divergent perceptions.


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How to Cite

Steflitsch, D., & Brantlinger, A. (2023). Students’ perspectives on Critical Mathematics Education. Prometeica - Journal of Philosophy and Science, (27), 263–273.

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