Neuroscience and New Technologies Applied to Language Teaching




Neuroscience, new technologies, anguage teaching


Introduction. Studies in neuroscience elucidate the mechanisms involved in learning, which are of great help to teachers. Objective. To raise scientific discoveries that promote a dialogue between cognitive neuroscience applied to education, new information and communication technologies and language teaching in the search for points of intersection. Method. Systematic Literature Review. Results. It was noticed that, in the current context, technology cannot be dispensed with in the classroom, as they are present in the students' daily lives, which would further distance the school from their realities. In addition, technologies are capable of instrumentalizing neuroscientific strategies, optimizing the learning process, especially with regard to language teaching. Conclusions. It is evident that the teachers need to know about brain functioning in order to offer effective tools to contribute to the cognitive development of their students.



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How to Cite

Montiel, A., & Frontino de Medeiros, L. (2024). Neuroscience and New Technologies Applied to Language Teaching. Revista Neurociências, 32, 1–32.



Revisão Sistemática
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2024-01-09
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2024-02-27
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-04-05

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