ART Provincializing Bildung, Haunt History


  • Maya Moldes Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, PPGHIS-UFRJ



Paulina Chiziane, Bildungsroman, Decolonial


Discussions about decoloniality are exponents in several areas of social sciences and literature. What does this vast theoretical novelty mean for what is already considered consolidated, such as the concept of Bildungsroman? This is new, with the caveat being made in universities; but some of these epistemologies carry knowledge as old as Homer is to the West. Walter Benjamin (2006, p. 945) says that “the vital movement of fashion” consists of “transforming few things”. In this essay, we will agree with Benjamin's distrust regarding fashion issues and try to expand the potential for transformation of decolonial theories: based on the reading of “Balada de amor ao vento”, by Paulina Chiziane, taken as an object in the light of the concept As a formative novel, I will seek to propose how the theory of history present in the book can illuminate questions about Western historiography.


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2024-01-30 — Updated on 2024-04-02


How to Cite

Moldes, M. (2024). ART Provincializing Bildung, Haunt History. Imagem: Revista De Hist´ória Da Arte, 3(2), 348–363. (Original work published January 30, 2024)

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