Não se fazem mais excomunhões que prestem nos dias de hoje:

libertinos, Reformismo Ilustrado e a defesa da tolerância religiosa no mundo luso-brasileiro (1750-1803)


  • Igor Tadeu Camilo Rocha UFMG




Tolerância religiosa, Inquisição, Ilustração


This paper aimed to investigate propositions in defense of religious tolerance
in inquisitorial sources produced under the Enlightened Reformism in luso-brazilian
world, having as hypothesis that the institutional reforms touching the Inquisition, the
Catholic Church and regular and secular clergy have created, indirectly, conditions for
the defense of religious tolerance were widespread more widely. We focus our analysis
between the second half of the eighteenth century and the first decade of the nineteenth and in the "heretic propositions" present in the speeches of the Libertines, comparing them with debates and present conditions in the context of broad
institutional changes in Portugal and its colonies. We seek thus to map the possible
similarities between religious conceptions that refer to a popular religion and other
matrix of Enlightenment conceptions of tolerance, and to what extent they were
influenced by the context and discourse of modernization by the Portuguese monarchy


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How to Cite

Camilo Rocha , I. T. . (2021). Não se fazem mais excomunhões que prestem nos dias de hoje: : libertinos, Reformismo Ilustrado e a defesa da tolerância religiosa no mundo luso-brasileiro (1750-1803). Almanack, (14). https://doi.org/10.1590/2236-463320161409


