Motor Skills Acquisition, Retention and Transfer In Hemiparetic Children


  • Susan Carratú Fisioterapeuta, Especialista, São Caetano do Sul-SP, Brasil.
  • Carla Mazzitelli Fisioterapeuta, Mestre, Profa. da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo-SP, Brasil.
  • Gilberto Fernando Xavier Biólogo, Livre Docente, Prof. da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brasil.
  • Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá Fisioterapeuta, Doutora, Prof. da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Campus Baixada Santista, Santos-SP, Brasil.



Cerebral Palsy, Motor Apprenticeship, Child, Neuroplasticity


Objective. To determine if the time interval used during training pro­motes improved acquisition, retention and transfer of the trained task. Method. Two groups of hemiparetic children aged between 5 and 12 years trained the task of throwing bags of sand in a given target. The groups were tested for the pre-training and four training sessions with 30 trials each, one group performed the training with 20s interval between trials and the other with an interval of 60s. The retention and transfer tests were performed 30 min after the last session after one week. Results. Acquisition: no significant difference in relation to (1) training session, (2) and group training session, (3) block of trials, (4) session and block. Retention: no significant difference between the fac­tor and time interval between the different test times. Transfer: There was no significant difference between groups and task performance among trained and transfer tasks. Conclusion. The results indicated that the time intervals did not lead to differences in performance dur­ing the acquisition, retention and transfer task trained in hemiparetic children.


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How to Cite

Carratú, S., Mazzitelli, C., Xavier, G. F., & Sá, C. dos S. C. de. (2012). Motor Skills Acquisition, Retention and Transfer In Hemiparetic Children. Revista Neurociências, 20(3), 360–366.



Artigos Originais
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2019-02-20
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2012-09-30

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