Mazes of modernity on Nineteenth-century Hispanic America historiography


  • Henrique Santos da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense



Latin America, political practices, modernization, Citizenship


This review analyses Hilda Sábato's book, Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo (2021). After showing the main ideas of the work, we discuss its value as an introductory essay on the so-called "republican experiment" in nineteenth-century Hispanic America, focused on the political criativity of these countries and their protagonism in the global estabilishment of liberal representative regimes. However, using the perspective of conceptual history, we assess the limits of the book's alleged global scope and, mainly, the argumentative labyrinths that it enters when touching on the themes of modernization theories and modernity.


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How to Cite

Santos da Silva, H. (2024). Mazes of modernity on Nineteenth-century Hispanic America historiography. Almanack, (36).




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