


Semiformation, Authoritarianism, Discrimination, Brazilian education, Experience


This article is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms that have historically woven the ideological veil (ADORNO, 1996), involved with the naturalization of prejudices and, consequently, the discrimination of the differentiated other, with an emphasis on ethnic-racial issues. We will start from the notion that the presence of authoritarianism in the development of Brazilian society would be an important factor to explain, in the Brazilian context, the phenomenon of semi-formation – as described by Theodor W. Adorno (1996), as a trigger of discriminatory processes. In this sense, we will discuss the relationships between authoritarianism and the support of fundamental prejudices, in their historical and psychological aspects, especially racism against the black population in Brazil, supported by the ideology of whitening in the processes of miscegenation, identified among the ideological factors for racial discrimination, with important social consequences. It will start from the analysis of the current apparently favorable conditions, in which the effort for democratic coexistence and the appreciation of differences can be seen - supported by laws and general educational guidelines - However, it is necessary to highlight and discuss the persistent difficulties in development of consciousness dedicated to the deconstruction of dominant standards, factors that would determine democratic setbacks amid intermittent advances in the pedagogical and social context. It is expected to foster the constitution of critical consciousness, through the elaboration of the historical past in order to contribute to the construction of school and social spaces dedicated to self-reflection and the development of significant and emancipatory experiences. Furthermore, it is expected that such analysis will later serve as a means to expose the phenomenon in its internal manifestations within the school structure and dynamics.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Lombardi Crisostomo, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Licenciado em Filosofia (FFLCH-USP), Mestre em Educação, com pesquisa sobre Adorno e a Teoria Crítica na área de Filosofia e Educação (FEUSP), e, Doutor em Educação (FEUSP), tendo como foco a questão do direcionamento ético da formação. Possui dezesseis anos de experiência docente. Atua como assessor pedagógico e autor de conteúdos pedagógicos.


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