Dialogicity as an educational practice with significant social implications

A workshop with indigenous teachers and their demand for a numbering system





Dialogicity, Teachers in-service training, Teaching praxis, Teaching practices with indigenous teachers


In this paper we explore the concept of dialogicity, taking a workshop offered to in-service indigenous teachers as a reference. This concept has been explored for decades in the academic literature. In recent years, it has gained greater importance, as official curricula in several countries have emphasized the importance of developing education that is more centered on the needs of learners. Although the general guidelines of these curricula are defined, the exercise of dialogue in classrooms involves the challenge of balancing the formal requirements of the various fields of knowledge with the students' own interests. Thus, in most cases, researchers examine dialogues in the classroom, verifying the extent to which teachers allow students to express themselves on issues specific to school knowledge. In this sense, it is still not the students’ existential questions that prevail, since the most valued results of the dialogues are already defined in advance. Such results will be related to the domain of school contents. Would it be possible to approach formal education in other ways? Would it be possible to prioritize questions raised by students? These are present challenges for educators who propose to approach teaching from a socially centered perspective. The workshop described in this paper constitutes an example of dialogicity exercised from an existential questioning formulated by the participating teachers. Such questioning was related to the creation of a numbering system that would suit their mother tongue. In that context, it can be inferred that there has been progress in the sense of understanding school practice as a possibility of broadening perceptions of the world through serious consideration of the needs formulated by the learners.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Sarquis Soares, Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

Graduado em Física pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1978), mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas à Educação (1992), doutorado em Educação, com ênfase em Educação Matemática (2009) pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Atualmente . Professor da disciplina Ciências, Tecnologia e Sociedade para todos os cursos de engenharia do Campus Alto Paraopeba da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Ensino-Aprendizagem, atuando principalmente nos seguintes campos: ensino de física, ciências e matemática no ensino fundamental. Tem atuado como consultor e pesquisador em educação matemática em escolas de ensino fundamental e educação infantil.. É autor do livro “Ensinar Matemática: desafios e possibilidades”. Também do livro: “Quem Colocou a Terra em Movimento? Revoluções tecnológicas que fundaram o pensamento científico”, lançado em 2021 pela Kotter Editorial.


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How to Cite

Sarquis Soares, E. (2023). Dialogicity as an educational practice with significant social implications: A workshop with indigenous teachers and their demand for a numbering system. Prometeica - Journal of Philosophy and Science, (27), 356–365. https://doi.org/10.34024/prometeica.2023.27.15312

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