Factors associated with the quality of life of people with Spina Bifida





Spina bifida, Evaluation instrument, Quality of life


Introduction. Spina bifida is a neurological disorder characterized by incomplete development of the neural tube, myelomeningocele being its most common and severe type, in which it has factors that impact on its health status, and consequently on quality of life. Objectives. Verify and gather factors that impact the quality of life of individuals with spina bifida and the main evaluation instruments used. Method. This is a literature review, with bibliographic searches in the Science Direct, Lilacs, Pubmed, Cochrane and Scielo databases, in the period of January 2022 and updated in December 2022. Results. Twelve studies carried out between 2005 and 2019 were included. The Child Health Questionnaire was found to be the most used questionnaire among the articles. And the outcomes found that most impact the quality of life of individuals with spina bifida were intestinal and urinary incontinence. Conclusion. Spina bifida is a complex condition that compromises different components of the body, potentially leading to activity limitations and participation restrictions. The presence of urinary and fecal incontinence are the factors that have shown to negatively impact the quality of life in this population, requiring greater attention in education and management actions. In addition, defining an assessment instrument and identifying the health outcomes that impact is essential for multidisciplinary work and treatment.


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How to Cite

Lucio, M. C. F., Sambe, A. Y. ., Valenciano, P. J. ., Siqueira, E. A., Pellizzari, C. C. de A. ., & da Silva, J. K. M. . (2023). Factors associated with the quality of life of people with Spina Bifida. Revista Neurociências, 31, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.34024/rnc.2023.v31.14941



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