
  1. Editorial:  It is a section with introductory text written by the editor-in-chief, associated editors-in-chief, the guest editor, or the assistant editor in charge, this section is not submitted to peer review. The Editorial expresses the opinion of the journal.
  2. Original papers: these are manuscripts that have a special significance and are presented clearly and concisely. They are originals and are characterized by a significant novelty. No page number limits.
  3. Short communications: these are short manuscripts, they will be accepted for the early communication of original and important advances. Despite the fact they are preliminary they have a complete discussion and preliminary conclusion. Such a manuscript should not exceed 7 pages, including figures and tables.
  4. Review articles: these are manuscripts aimed at describing recent progress in a specific research area (regarding a relevant topic within the scope of JSSE). Authors should concentrate on essential developments, to give a strong state of the art, discuss the most relevant papers, and provide recommendations about the perspectives for that research field. The history of available papers (evolution on time) should be considered within the body of the manuscript. Prospective authors of a review article should consult with the Team Editor to check the suitability of their proposal topic and manuscript before submission to JSSE. Please, keep the review paper concise and readable, as it is expected that our reviews be a reference for worldwide readers.
  5. Letters to Editors. These manuscripts are typically no longer than 1 page. The content raises technical and scientific questions regarding a published article by JSSE. These manuscripts will be considered for evaluation only if they contribute to a special consideration to a specific article that has already been published in JSSE. It is important to note that authors of the original research article will be allowed to publicly respond to any Letter-to-the-Editor.
  6. Perspectives and Opinions. They consist of short opinion papers addressing a key emerging research area. Such a manuscript should not exceed 5 pages, including figures and tables. They should balance the personal view of the authors and a discussion of recent results of great importance, and suggest new trends. This contribution is not mini-reviews, but a discussion that helps to identify new trends and developments in a given field.