The desired math teacher participates in a factory




mathematic teacher, manufacturing, power, desire


This article discusses how the idealized image of the "desired mathematics teacher" is constructed through discourses and power relations. The teacher is seen as an active component in the functioning of the school, responsible for producing mathematically competent and productive individuals who can succeed in society. Additionally, it analyzes how the teacher must constantly adapt to the demands of the control society, which is constantly changing and requires new skills and knowledge. The article is based on the concepts of Foucault and Deleuze to analyze the construction of the desired mathematics teacher and how it is regulated by social demands and institutions. Despite questioning whether the teacher can resist this regulation and create something different, the article concludes that the teacher is consumed by the same system. Therefore, the importance of being critical and promoting a socially effective environment in which the teacher can actively participate in their professional development is emphasized. In other words, the construction of the idealized image of the desired mathematics teacher is explored, how the teacher must constantly adapt to the changing demands of the control society, and the importance of being critical and promoting a socially effective environment in which the teacher can actively participate in their professional development is highlighted.


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How to Cite

López-López, A. (2023). The desired math teacher participates in a factory. Prometeica - Journal of Philosophy and Science, (27), 623–629.

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