



Profa. Dra. Maria Amália Silva Alves de Oliveira - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Zysman Neiman 

Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)


Editoras Convidadadas para o Dossiê OPAP:

Prof. Dra. Camila Gonçalves de Oliveira Rodrigues

Prof. Dra. Clara de Carvalho Lemos

Prof. Dra. Eloise Silveira Botelho

Prof. Dra. Paula Normandia Moreira Brumatti


Editores Adjuntos:

Prof. Dr. Alexandre de Gusmão Pedrini - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Profa. Dra. Vivian Castilho da Costa - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


 Website: https://periodicos.unifesp.br/index.php/ecoturismo


 Endereço: Av. Pasteur, 296 - Urca,  Rio deJaneiro, RJ - Brasil, CEP 22290-240

 Tel.: 55-11-99195-7685

E-mail: rbecotur@unifesp.br


Foto da Capa: Parque Nacional da Serra Geral, by Natália de Oliveira Maboni.















Comitê Avaliador desta Edição (Dossiê OPAP):

Profa. Dra. Camila Gonçalves de Oliveira Rodrigues - UFRRJ

Prof. Dr. Carlos Augusto Assumpção de Figueiredo - UNIRIO

Profa. Dra. Clara Carvalho de Lemos - UERJ

Profa. Dra. Eloise Silveira Botelho - UNIRIO

Profa. Dra. Helena Araújo Costa - UNB

Profa. Dra. Kerlei Eniele Sonaglio - UFRN/UNB

Profa. Dra. Marcela do Nascimento Padilha - UERJ

Profa. Dra. Paula Normandia Moreira Brumatti - UFRN

Prof. Dr. Rafael Ângelo Fortunato - UERJ

Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Pacheco - USP

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Machado Vilani - UNIRIO

Profa. Dra. Susy Rodrigues Simonetti  - UEA

Profa. Dra. Teresa Cristina Magro Lindenkamp - USP

Prof. Dr. Victor Eduardo Lima Ranieri - USP

Profa. Dra. Virginia Martins Fonseca - UFVJM

Prof. Dr. Wilker Ricardo de Mendonça Nóbrega - UFRN


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Author Biography

Zysman Neiman, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema/SP

PhD in Psychology (Experimental Psychology with research in Environmental Education) (2007), PhD in Environmental Science (2000-2004), Master in Psychology (Experimental Psychology, with emphasis on Behavioral Ecology) (1991), Degree in Science (1986), Degree in Biology (1986), and Bachelor of Biological Sciences (1986), all from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is an Electrotechnician graduated from the Federal Technical School of São Paulo (ETFSP) and a Nuclear Energy Technician by the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN). He is currently a Researcher and Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), where he was coordinator (2014-2016) and serves as a teacher in the Bachelor of Environmental Sciences course. He is a researcher and professor at the Postgraduate Program in Integrated Environmental Analysis - PPGAAI, and the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching - PECMA, both at Unifesp's Diadema campus. He is coordinator of the Committee to support the implementation of the Institute of Cities - Unifesp Campus East Zone. He had great acting as Educator in Science and Biology Teaching (1985-1996). He was Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) based at the Center for Science and Technology for Sustainability (CCTS), where he coordinated the Laboratory of Ecology, Perception and Environmental Education - LEPEA. He was Deputy Coordinator, teacher and researcher of the Graduate Program in Sustainability in Environmental Management - PROSGAM-UFSCar. He has also worked in the Graduate Program in Education of CCTS - UFSCar and is a collaborator of the Graduate Program in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development at the School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability (ESCAS). He was elected to the Interinstitutional Committee of Environmental Education of the State of São Paulo (CIEA-SP). He served as President of the Physis Institute - Culture & Environment, is leader of the Political Action for Sustainability Network (RAPS), and is Director of the Brazilian Ecotourism Society (SBEcotur). He was one of the writers of the Transversal Theme "Environment", of the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) for the Elementary School of MEC (1998). He has authored several books in the area of ​​Ecology, Education, Environment and Sustainability, and is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Ecotourism (Qualis B1), and the Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education (Qualis B2). Has experience in Environmental Education, acting on the following subjects: Sustainability, Public Policy, Environmental Education, Ecotourism, Ethics and Environment, Human Ecology, Conservation Units, Third Sector, and Environmentalism.



How to Cite

Neiman, Z. (2023). Expediente. Brazilian Journal of Ecotourism, 16(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unifesp.br/index.php/ecoturismo/article/view/15176

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