Environmental Management: sustainable practices in accommodation facilities in the municipality of Tamandaré (PE, Brazil)


  • Áurea Nascimento de Siqueira Mesquita Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • André dos Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




Environment; Tourism; Accommodation.


In the municipality of Tamandaré, located on the south coast of the state of Pernambuco, the installation of hotel establishments contributes to the dynamism of the local production chain, favored through tourism and by being inserted in an Environmental Protection Area (APA), becoming necessary to conserve the environment through these practices. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyze sustainable practices through environmental management in accommodation facilities in the municipality of Tamandaré (PE). The research was carried out using the qualitative method, which is characterized by investigation, recognizing the complexity of the object of study, using the exploratory and descriptive stage as a methodological procedure, and subsequently the collected data was processed. The research allowed us to understand the universe of environments in these environments and identify the need for environmental management, linked to sustainable practices and the incorporation of renewable technologies. Therefore, it was observed that there are several tools that can be used by hotel enterprises as a proposal for improvement, such as management programs and standards that fit with the reality of the municipality, linked to partnerships with professional associations, commercial and hotel associations, NGOs and government representatives who aim at environmental conservation.



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How to Cite

Mesquita, Áurea N. de S., & Santos, A. dos. (2024). Environmental Management: sustainable practices in accommodation facilities in the municipality of Tamandaré (PE, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Ecotourism, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.34024/rbecotur.2024.v17.16153



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##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2024-01-16
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-02-01

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