“Land mother of Brazil, its paths, secrets and flavors”: gastronomy, tourism in rural space, sustainability


  • Maria Thaís Firmino da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Thaiane Firmino da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará




Tourism in rural areas, Sustainability, Local gastronomy, Cultural Heritage


From the recognition of the relevance of implementing tourist practices in the rural environment, this research required understanding how local gastronomy is highlighted as the main motivator of tours in the “Terra Mãe do Brasil, Seus Caminhos, Segredos e Sabores” itinerary, from the first edition of the Experiências do Brasil Rural. In this sense, the primary objective was to analyze the catalog of experiences in the script in order to prospect nuances related to the initial concerns pertinent to the research. To this end, the investigation was conceived under the prerogative of carrying out qualitative research, with the implementation of bibliographic research and the use of content analysis as fundamental. The results showed that local gastronomy is the main motivator for just over 20% of the tours considered for the itinerary, even though inputs and products from the local food culture are predominantly highlighted in the activities and tours that comprise it.


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How to Cite

Firmino da Silva, M. T., & Silva, T. F. da . (2024). “Land mother of Brazil, its paths, secrets and flavors”: gastronomy, tourism in rural space, sustainability. Brazilian Journal of Ecotourism, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.34024/rbecotur.2024.v17.16018



Artigo em Dossiês
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-12-17
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-02-01

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