Pelloutier and the agencying of origins


  • Adilton Luis Martins Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Simon Pelloutier, Absolutism, 18th Century, historiography - "Agencying of Origins".


This initial aim of this research was to study the process of representation of the Celts in the anti-absolutist historiography of Simon Pelloutier. However, as its sources were approached by the genealogical method, they made way for a new epistemological association. These sources were surrounded by the issue of human origins; or, better yet, each of them produced its own historical knowledge based on a view of human origins. This means that their historical knowledge and socio-political and cultural allegiances were based on the importance ascribed to the origins – as an agencying of origins practice. The agencying of origins concept consists in an epistemological and cultural relation with the theme of human origins in modern historiography. In this study, it is the identification of a religious substance in the deep notion of the meaning of historicity, and its virtually genealogical empowerment by the entire process of erudite rationality


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Biografia do Autor

Adilton Luis Martins, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Pós-doutorando no Departamento de História da Unifesp Guarulhos; Doutor em História pela Unicamp; Mestre em História pela Unesp de Assis; possui graduação em Filosofia e História. Atualmente, desenvolvo pesquisa a respeito do "Orientalismo" de E. Said durante o século XVIII francês. Minhas temáticas de interesse: Montesquieu, Iluminismo, Usos do Passado, Teoria da História, Metodologia e Ensino de História e Filosofia, interdisciplinaridade entre História e Filosofia. (Texto informado pelo autor)




Como Citar

Martins, A. L. (2018). Pelloutier and the agencying of origins. Heródoto: Revista Do Grupo De Estudos E Pesquisas Sobre a Antiguidade Clássica E Suas Conexões Afro-asiáticas, 2(2), 619–643.